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Corporations Search from Secretary of State

Metadata Updated: November 10, 2020

We offer a simple API for searching and retrieving corporations data which you may use in your applications and web sites. Results can be returned in JSON with padding (JSONP) and XML formats. You do not need to apply for a special key to retrieve the information.

Getting Started

The easiest way to retrieve results is to use our web site to search for the information you need, using the parameters you plan to use in your application. On the results screen for both the results and the details of a corporation/entity, append the query string with "format=xml" or "format=json", respectively. This will give you an example of what will be returned. You can then use the final URL and modify the values as you deem necessary.


A maximum of 20 results are returned with each query.


Query String Parameters:

name (required) - words or partial words to be found within a corporations name
name_type - "starts_with", "contains", or "ends_with", specifies how the values for the name parameter should function
criteria - "all", "any", "exact" , in multi-word searches, this specifies how the words can or cannot appear in a corporations name
category - category of the corporation.
    "na" - All
    "BNK" - Bank
    "COP" - Cooperative
    "SOL" - Corporation Sole
    "CRU" - Credit Union
    "FMA" - Fish Marketing Act
    "RFN" - Foreign Registration
    "FBS" - Fraternal Building Society
    "FRA" - Fraternal Society
    "GRG" - Grange
    "INS" - Insurance
    "LLP" - Limited Liability Partnership
    "PLC" - Limited Liability Professional
    "LLC" - Limited Liability Regular
    "LTD" - Limited Partnership
    "MAS" - Massachusetts Trust
    "MIL" - Military
    "MMC" - Miscellaneous and Mutual
    "PRO" - Professional Service
    "PBC" - Public Benefit Corporation
    "PUB" - Public Utilities
    "REG" - Regular Corporation
    "RES" - Reservation of Name
    "SAL" - Savings and Loan
    "CAS" - Special Cooperative
active - status of the corporation.  "A" for active, "T" for inactive, "NA" for either
agent_name - name or partial name of registered agent
city - city of registered agent's address
zip - zip of regisetered agent's address
date1 - begining date of date range for date of incorporation (format: MM-DD-YYYY)
date2 - ending date of date range for date of incorporation (format: MM-DD-YYYY)
start - number in the results set to begin the search. For example, if a query returns 1000 results, specifying a start of 80 would return results 80 through 99 in the list.
format - "json" or "xml"
callback - for json format, this value must be supplied for cross-site scripting access. Use "?" with jquery.




Corporation Details A new version has been released to address the multiple titles for a governing person. Please append "&version=2" to the query string to retrieve a node for each title (XML) or an array of strings (JSON).


Query String Parameters:

ubi - UBI of the corporation/entity
format - "json" or "xml"
callback - for json format, this value must be supplied for cross-site scripting access. Use "?" with jquery.




Support and Feedback

We are happy to answer general questions regarding the API. Due to limited resources we cannot offer specific help with the programming or the integration of the output into your application or system.

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. Non-Federal: This dataset is covered by different Terms of Use than License: No license information was provided.

Downloads & Resources


Metadata Created Date November 10, 2020
Metadata Updated Date November 10, 2020

Metadata Source

Harvested from WA JSON

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date November 10, 2020
Metadata Updated Date November 10, 2020
Data First Published 2015-11-30
Data Last Modified 2019-03-29
Category Consumer Protection
Public Access Level public
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 56d3ef35-629b-4370-bfc2-484832618199
Harvest Source Id 1c33d1cb-2f69-4f1b-835e-453790f38dc7
Harvest Source Title WA JSON
Homepage URL
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash e5e3591eaf53e8371aed69cc190667fde3e3a7aa
Source Schema Version 1.1

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